This is a very simple, easy yet powerful exercise my osteopath showed me (I had to re-draw it). Only takes 10-15min to do, and it is great!!

Exhale as you lower them.
Keep your neck "long"
6 x

Exhale as you roll down, from top to bottom.
Exhale again as you hang limply, releasing all the tension in your spine and legs.
6 x

Linger in this position as you finish exhaling, relax into hips.
Inhale as you come back up.
Alternate right and left.
6 x

Right knee rolls out to side. Left follows.
Exhale and relax legs completely at the hips.
Inhale as you raise the left knee up and all the way over.
Right follows. Exhale and relax.
Do 6 each side, alternate.
may need pillow outside for knee support

Roll one knee inward. Exhale and allow the leg to limply settle. toward the floor
On an inhale, bring it back up.
Roll the other knee inward, and repeat.
6 each side, alternate

Exhale and move towards barrier
Push left thigh (near hip) away. Keep leg passive. Exhale.
6 each side, alternate.

Keep your legs relaxed as you exhale and draw the knees towards the chest.
Inhale as you let your arms lengthen.
6 x